Home of Freedom of Speech in Afghanistan has expressed concern about the situation of media, Afghan journalists, freedom of speech, and freedom of media after the Taliban takeover.
The foundation on Monday, January 17, 2022, in a statement said that media and journalists in Afghanistan have lost their independence and they have systematically been censored by de facto authorities in Kabul.
The statement reads that censorship has different roots and that most of the roots belong to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
Afghan media and journalists have been pressurized by the intelligence of the Taliban unprecedentedly and they want to turn the media into their propaganda platforms. The intelligence has succeeded to do so to a certain extent because they are using different methods as a threat, force, and pressures. Reads the statement.
The Home of Freedom of Speech has claimed that the Taliban go to the Newsrooms of media and tell the journalists to cover stories in their favor as they live under their rule.
It adds that most of the prominent journalists have left jobs because they did not want to be used for propaganda for the Taliban.
The foundation has asked the IEA to stop censoring media and putting pressure on Afghan journalists and also asked international media advocates so that the lives of journalists are protected and the gain of pat two decades be preserved.
LINK: https://www.ansarpress.com/english/26192